Safety and Security in Control Systems

Second-cycle course, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 1900

Spring 2024 with André Teixeira and Alexander Medvedev

About the course

The course introduces you to safety and security aspects of modern control systems arising due to your digital and networked implementation. The main course body consists of basic concepts, approaches to and methods of modelling, analysis, and detection of faults and attacks in control systems.

Learning outcomes

The main goal of the course is to introduce the students to safety and security aspects of modern control systems arising due to their digital and networked implementation. The main course body consists of basic concepts, approaches to and methods of modeling, analysis, and detection of faults and attacks in control systems.

On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

explain the basic principles of safety and security in safety- and mission-critical control systems;

explain the notion of risk, and describe the main parts of risk management through system design;

model and analyze the stability and performance of digital control;

design and evaluate observer-based fault detection filters for additive faults;

analyse the detectability limitations of fault detection filters for specific classes of fault and cyber-attacks;

motivate what security mechanisms are appropriate for different classes of cyber-attacks.

evaluate the risk of different threat scenarios, and the effectiveness of safety and security mechanisms, in a benchmark process.